Search results

  1. Jon

    Wet cells versus Dry cells

    Biological or there really a difference when it comes to defining life? We seem to be defining gender by new models of thought, so why not what constitutes life? When you think about it, a living organism is really just a collection of cells, which are a pattern of atoms. Likewise...
  2. Jon

    The Writers Thread

    There seems to be a ton of writers on this forum: Me, Bee, the Doc, Uncle (only just found that out). I gave myself a capital M as everyone else had a capital. :giggle: This is surprising. Since there are so many authors here (in percentage terms!), I figure it might be useful to have a thread...
  3. Jon

    Cold hands: warm heart or poor circulation?

    I've always suffered from cold hands and feet. As I sit in my local coffee shop typing this, my hands are like blocks of ice! Who else is afflicted with this most terrible of afflictions?
  4. Jon

    What are your plans for 2019?

    Let us know what you intend to do in 2019. Perhaps you are going to change some habits, do something different, lose some weight. Whatever it is, let us know!
  5. Jon

    Merry Christmas to all!

    A personal message from me to all the members here. I wish you a very merry Christmas and a thank you for your contribution to this fledgling forum in 2018. Here's to a great 2019!
  6. Jon


    We got our first spam poster today. A Chinese supplier. So I tried out the mod tools. They are brilliant on this software! A couple of clicks and you get the option to delete all their threads, posts, ban the ip etc all in one go. Fantastic!
  7. Jon

    Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool

    I was pondering on something the other day, and came to an insight I would like to share. It involves my hate of Apple products, yet also some kind of attachment too. The whole iSheep thing going on, where Apple fanboys blindly flatter everything they release riles me. It is as though someone...
  8. Jon

    Reversing aging - new (old) results suggest proof of concept

    With my daily cappuccino, I read an interesting science article, although I've just noticed it is 2 years old. In it, the scientists claim age reversal in mice. Is this proof of concept? Can we...
  9. Jon

    Is being controversial a 'thing'?

    I have an issue with the term controversial! If someone suggests you are controversial, are they really just being controversial themselves? I mean you have your view, they have theirs? Is your view only controversial if it is a minority view, like Darwinism and gay marriage once was? Or can you...
  10. Jon

    Life is momentum

    Do you ever find yourself caught up doing stuff while the "other stuff" gets left behind? Whatever we decide to do with our time, there is always an opportunity cost for the "other stuff" that doesn't get done. You get some momentum going on a project but then life gets in the way, slowing down...
  11. Jon

    The hierarchy of intelligences

    I was listening to an interesting Joe Rogan podcast recently with Dr. Ben Goertzel, who focuses on AI. He talked about the different types of intelligences, such as human intelligence, then the intelligence of an ant colony, rather than the individual ant. Then social systems of humans are a...
  12. Jon

    Who takes vitamins?

    I have a daily routine where I take: 2 fish oils, curcumin (turmeric), Vit D (+ 10 blueberries, 1 square of dark choc and 3 almonds). For some reason, I feel like I might be repeating myself here. Forgive me if I have covered this before! What do you take?
  13. Jon

    Food shopping rules

    Do you have rules when you go food shopping? Or is it a random free for all? I tend to sometimes have an idea what I want to get, but often I end up with random things, looking in the discount section for things that need selling that day, and come away with things I didn't plan on getting. I...
  14. Jon

    Organising clothes

    I have a number of questions regarding this and wonder what others do. 1. If you wear a t-shirt, or top, do you wear it again another day or does it go straight into the dirty clothes basket? 2. If you wear it again, where do you put it? I mean if you put it back in the cupboard, how do you...
  15. Jon

    Smartphones - cased or uncased?

    Ok, I admit it. I've dropped my phone multiple times in the last year. The screen now has about 20 different cracks over it. Pretty messy to look at! It has a skin on it but no case. Do you ever drop your phone? Do you have a case? I've always been reluctant to put a case on my phones before...
  16. Jon

    Microsoft Access - seeking prophets

    This post is rather specific for this type of forum, but I am curious on opinions of where it might be heading. Is it slowly dying as a platform, or is there life in the old dog yet? I am so far behind the times on what is happening with Microsoft Access that I have no idea. My inclination is...
  17. Jon

    Life Hacks

    What little tips do you have that help others improve their life? One that I am starting to adopt came from leaving my phone at the gym by the treadmill. I went into panic mode! Fortunately, it was handed it. But to reduce the chance of this happening again, I am employing a checklist when I...
  18. Jon

    Do you watch sport?

    I like to watch some football (soccer) and F1. Nowadays, I am trying to cut down the amount of time I spend on it, going for the highlights truncated version where I can. What do you watch, if any?
  19. Jon

    Testing some forum marketing

    On my sister site, Access World Forums, I have added a "Featured Forum Post" section in the sidebar. It is a test to see if I can leach some interest from that site over to The Mind Tavern. My methodology is to find the most replied posts on The Mind Tavern and use those as the bait! If there...
  20. Jon

    The double-slit experiment

    For those who know about this famous experiment, I just wanted to say what a mind boggling outcome! It change the course of physics forever! The discovery that electrons fired from some kind of emitter through two slits would end up with a wave pattern, rather than two vertical lines was eye...