Search results

  1. Jon

    God matters

    If God is omnipresent, the only thing I can think of that is everywhere is matter. Therefore, does God = matter? For the pedantic who wish to refer to vacuums, I am including dark matter in the equation!
  2. Jon

    The Watercooler reaches 1,000 posts!

    I've been waiting for a while for The Watercooler to reach 4 figures. At last! That is a couple of milestones today then.
  3. Jon

    Approaching infinity

    Following on from another thread involving infinity, I had a new insight. Or is it a question of sorts? Is the number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 closer to infinity than the number 5? I am sure you will agree that both numbers are infinitely far away from infinity. If so, they are an...
  4. Jon

    Change of tagline

    Following popular request (well, from one person!), I have changed the tagline, for now, to, "I think......therefore I'm here." I used dots because I couldn't line things up for aesthetic effect using just one comma.
  5. Jon

    This is post 2,000!

    A big thanks to all participants at The Mind Tavern. We have hit 2,000 posts! With a bit of luck, Google will slowly pick us up, expose us to the wider world and then we may get some additional participants.
  6. Jon

    Is science fiction no longer science fiction?

    Much of science fiction, I imagine, comes to pass. Does it therefore - over time - then lose status as science fiction and just becomes fiction? Are science fiction writers just modern day prophets? Do they represents the atheists messiah, complete with their own cult following? I would like to...
  7. Jon

    The mysteries of the Paradox

    I have always had a fascination of paradoxes. Their mysteries begged to be unlocked, yet each time you try you are left wanting. To illustrate, take 1/3. That is 0.3 recurring. 0.3 recurring x 3 = 0.9 recurring. But 1/3 x 3 = 1 Therefore, 0.9 recurring = 1. Yet, intuitively, 0.9 recurring does...
  8. Jon

    Does infinity prove there is a God?

    As you approach infinity, the number of possibilities are not quite infinite. But when you reach infinity (that sounds wrong!), everything is possible probable. The permutations of something become infinite. Therefore the probability of the improbable becomes 100% probable, or certain. Thus...
  9. Jon

    Do Gods and Messiahs also rule over aliens?

    I assume that a deity covers the entire cosmos, unless I have misunderstood. Given that, are they also therefore the rulers of aliens and yet to be born lifeforms? If the earth is only 7,000 years old, does it mean that ecosystems further away than 7,000 light years are exempt from this rule...
  10. Jon

    Nature verses Nurture

    What governs how we think? Is it encoded in our genes, or is it a result of environmental influence? Where does the balance lie? Express as a percentage if you can. e.g. 70% nature, 30% nurture. I think, therefore I am. But do you think that because of your genes or the environment?
  11. Jon

    Is modern Feminism the new Sexism?

    I am making no comment for now. Your thoughts?
  12. Jon

    I am disagreeable

    When I did the Hexaco personality inventory test, one of the traits it identifies is how agreeable/disagreeable you are. Here is my score. Off the chart! :oops: I am starting to believe this is the case too. When seeking advice in many different online discussion forums, I seem to get...
  13. Jon

    Hate crimes - who defines hate?

    There appears to be a battle between "freedom of speech" and "hate speech" at the moment. Who wins? Who defines hate?
  14. Jon

    Dangerous countries

    Which country or countries do you think represent the biggest danger to the world and why? This could be militarily , environmentally, socially, religiously. I will leave the dimensions up to you. Choose your lens!
  15. Jon

    The Future - where are we heading?

    There are plenty of dystopian movies out there, set in the future with a big brother overseeing your every move. In the UK, we have a ton of CCTV cameras lining the streets, shops and offices. Yet despite these intrusions on our privacy, there is much to be hopeful about. Medical breakthroughs...
  16. Jon

    The cumulative effect of decisions

    I was watching a good summary video of the book Atomic Habits, and came across a great diagram. It is a depiction of the cumulative effect of your decisions, moment by moment, and how that aggregation affects your day. Take a peek. It was illuminating to me, how tiny moment-by-moment decisions...
  17. Jon

    Finally trying to build a homepage!

    I am having a few goes at getting the root of the site sorted. It is harder than you think! Take a look. Two images I am looking at are:
  18. Jon

    Ancestry DNA

    I am tempted to check out my origins. Watched a YouTube video today where they were saying their father was 100% Scandinavian, so they thought they would be perhaps half Scandinavian. They took the test and found they were Spanish! Shock! So, tempted myself. Anyone here done it?
  19. Jon

    Jordan Peterson - this guy is amazing!

    I am a big fan of this guy. He has recently shot to fame for a number of reasons, many involving the protection of free speech. He is a professor and clinical psychologist, who is very very smart. The following interview is compelling. The evidence for that is in the 12M views.
  20. Jon

    What sex is your brain?

    Over 10 years ago, I took a test on the BBC website about what sex my brain was. It attempts to determine if you are more on the masculine or feminine side. I was prompted to post this based on Uncles comments that he feels he falls on the more feminine side. With this in mind, I am posting a...