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  1. Jon

    Getting epub book into Supermemo

    I had a tricky epub book recently, with all kinds of complicated formatting. I tried a whole bunch of methods to get it cleanly into Supermemo, but none worked. So, after a lot of trial and error, I came across a workflow that got the job done. 1. Add ePub to Calibre (free software) 2. Right...
  2. Jon

    Should Sleeping Beauty be banned?

    A mother says the helpless Sleeping Beauty got kissed but without consent. This is a sexual assault, clear and simple. Outrageous! Polluting fragile tots with such mysogynistic behaviour legitimises toxic masculinity. The fact she would have continued in a coma for the rest of her life without...
  3. Jon

    "I know how to change" - this statement is false

    I had an insight recently... I am sure we all say this to ourselves: "I want to achieve XYZ. I know what to do." This statement is false. Here's why. When we say we know what to do, we are essentially saying we know what technical steps are required. But that is different to knowing what to...
  4. Jon

    Shut your face

    Earlier this week, I was walking to my local Morrisons supermarket minding my own business. Then I looked up and saw two women frogmarching a young child along the carpark, holding his arms up and almost lifting him across the ground. They were really aggressive towards the (estimated) 5 year...
  5. Jon

    Storytelling with art

    I just watched an amazing video, showing how an artist can evoke strong emotion with their work. Take a look at this:
  6. Jon

    Ted Bundy - this guy is notorious

    I've been watching the 4 part series on Ted Bundy on Netflix lately. I wasn't particularly interested in the topic since I know little about him except that he is a serial killer. But they have done a great job of getting you hooked! In fact, Ted Bundy was a fascinating characters. Very bright...
  7. Jon

    Spaced repetition and learning maths

    Thought some of you students might find this useful:
  8. Jon

    Swimmers rage

    I went for a swim this morning. I've heard it is supposed to be relaxing. So why is it I am going up and down the pool in a rage? There were about 4 people in there when I popped in. I found my spot and swam up and down. I was being overtaken by people who looked like they were training for the...
  9. Jon

    Be aware, Notion is here!

    After reviewing some of the tools I use for productivity, I came across a new and rather ingenious one: Notion. It is a little hard to describe, yet it is wonderfully flexible. This app has an unbounded future ahead of it. So, what exactly is it? Well, it is a workspace where you can add things...
  10. Jon

    Genetically merging men and women

    I've got an idea! To avoid all accusations of sexism, gender divides, arguments on who takes out the trash and so on...why don't we just merge both sexes, so that there is no longer man and woman, but ManWoman. You can self-replicate, have all the necessary parts of both sexes and enjoy equal...
  11. Jon

    Building bridges between polar opposites

    Having watched a lot of US politics over the last 2 or 3 years, something that strikes me is how intelligent people can have such polar opposite views. The divisive debate between Left and Right, Male and Female, Rich and just goes on and on and on. How do you bridge the gap between...
  12. Jon

    Is happiness all there is?

    What are the true motives of mankind? Are we all striving for happiness, or are we running around confused and dazed by our own existence? What do you believe motivates us? I am talking about our very existence and desire to live.
  13. Jon

    Hollywood horrors

    There is one thing I have noticed recently in many Hollywood movies: the woman approaching the man, grabbing him and kissing him. Is this not a case of sexual assault as she did not have prior written consent? Does Hollywood legitimise sexual assault, but only for one sex? [Personally, I am...
  14. Jon

    Can men look at women?

    Is it no longer allowed for a man to look at a woman he fancies? There seems to be talk about men looking at women as a bad trait of men. What effect will this have on the birth rate? Are Social Justice Warriors leading us into extinction?
  15. Jon

    I read a book on ethics once...

    To broaden my knowledge, I decided to read a book on ethics. There was a particular series of books which had lots of pictures in them and that appealed to me! However, after finishing the book, I felt as though I learned nothing. It seemed that ethics is just dependent on your view. Did I...
  16. Jon

    How are Mind Tavern members similar?

    There seems to be so much division in the world: wars between the sexes, races, tribes, political parties and so on. Yet the Dalai Lama said that when you meet someone else, you are more similar to them than different. You are both human and have similar needs. The struggles of human existence...
  17. Jon

    Disgraceful Gillette advert

    Attacking men, stereotyping, slurring them all as abusers, attacking masculinity, and emasculating men's own evolved nature. Imagine an advert that blatantly abused women in a similar manner. You can see it now, a Gillette advert for women asking them to stop making false sexual assault...
  18. Jon

    Sam Harris - this guy is amazing!

    While Sam Harris has become very well known, you still may not have heard of him. He is the author of several books, a regular speaker and debater, and has a popular podcast. He is into meditation, rational thought, debating from the atheists perspective, a believer in free speech, and has...
  19. Jon

    White Man's Burden

    No, this is not a thread about white supremacy. In fact it is the opposite. It is the title of a film I saw some time ago that gave me an insight into racism that was not perceivable beforehand. The film has a clever angle, where White's are the underclass and Black's are the wealthy. They...
  20. Jon

    Inversion - a tool for change

    I have started using a mind hack to assist in making personal change. It comes highly recommended as a favourite tool of Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's business partner and fellow billionaire. Here is some brainstorming I did mid-December on an issue I was dealing with: Problem I can't get...