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  1. Jon

    Cookie popups, privacy warnings, GDPR...all driving me nuts!

    Back in the day, I used to enjoy a frictionless internet experience. Click a link, go to a site and just read the content. Nowadays, everytime I go somewhere, there is a damn popup I have to click, and quite often multiple popups. Yes, I know just about every single site out there has cookies...
  2. Jon

    Is incarceration after the crime too late? Why not before?

    I want you to imagine a future where a super-smart artificial intelligence can predict with 98% accuracy that someone will commit a crime and what that crime will be. Let's for now just assume this is possible. Should we incarcerate this individual, even though they have not yet committed the...
  3. Jon

    I am Black, I am a victim

    It always annoys me when someone regurgitates the overused cliche, "Is it because I am Black?" Lewis Hamilton said this once after being criticised about something, and it backfired on him. However, let me change tack a little and suggest there are horrific instances where being Black does mean...
  4. Jon

    Trump bashing - a near full-time hobby

    There is a phenomenon that has swept the world. It is called Trumpomania! Or Trump bashing. Or whatever. It seems that all and sundry coalesce to attack The Donald! He is called misogynistic, Islamophobic, climate denier, warmonger and you name it, he is called it. Yet I was thinking the other...
  5. Jon

    Incredibly moving audition

    You must watch this. If it doesn't bring a tear to you eye, then nothing will. Turn up your volume, sit back and listen.
  6. Jon

    May quits in May

    Well, technically she is going in June, but she has finally run out of options. Here's to a new direction and hopefully a more charismatic leader.
  7. Jon

    Technology and religion: the parallels

    I just had a thought! There is talk on this forum of the evil of religion. There is also talk on this forum of the good of religion. So, could it be that religion is like technology, where it can be used for harm or good? Just like splitting the atom can create nuclear energy for the benefit...
  8. Jon

    I'm in love with a psychopath

    In the last episode I watched of The Society on Netflix, it was revealed that one of the people there was a psychopath. I've always been fascinated by the topic, liking watching things on serial killers and what goes into their psychological makeup. Then it occured to me. I'm in love with a...
  9. Jon

    Bill Nye: Fake climate evangelist or Messiah?

    Bill Nye wants to save the planet. To get an idea of his credentials and taste, watch this video: What do you think of this genius? Should we take him seriously? Will he save us all?
  10. Jon

    Attachment to material things

    I have a couple of old Microsoft Access books that I am contemplating throwing out. I think one is called Access Bible or something. It is a big thick book with getting on for 1,000 pages. I used these books a lot back in the day. But, I never use them now. But I have resistance to throw them...
  11. Jon

    Advice to a younger self

    Knowing what you know now, how would you advise a younger you, starting out your adult life?
  12. Jon

    #MeToo and Movies

    I've just started watching The Society on Netflix and this girl at school has a crush on this boy. At a party, she enthusiastically runs up to him, puts her arms around him and plants a kiss on his lips. I think she has had one or two drinks. Should she go straight to jail? Maybe 5 years for...
  13. Jon

    Hillary the Time Traveller

    Hillary said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, a famous mountain climber back in the day. She didn't inherit his first name because we had genders back in those days. The odd thing is, the climber only achieved fame 6 years after she was born. So, is she the first politician to have...
  14. Jon

    The morality of catch-22

    Poor old William Barr...he's in trouble! He won't give an unredacted Mueller report to the Democrats in Congress and so is in contempt, but he is prohibited by law from doing so. A classic catch-22. So, he has refused. If you are presented with such options, what is the moral choice? In either...
  15. Jon

    Nicely illustrated article on how to remember

    I came across this the other day: It is quite a long but nicely illustrated article that covers memorisation techniques, such as spaced repetition.
  16. Jon

    Who owns the Moon?

    As I sit here, thinking up threads to create, I was wondering to myself, "What happens if Donald Trump tries to build one of his skyscrapers on the Moon?" A bizarre thought naturally, but I get many of those! Who actually owns the land? Is it first come, first served? Are you trespassing? The...
  17. Jon

    Feeling weird after coffee

    In the last year, I thought I might have a heart condition. Occasionally, while going through the supermarket, I have felt peculiar and rather ill. I've had to crouch down and "rest" there for a couple of minutes or so. It is an unsettling feeling and alarming. I've been keeping an eye on it...
  18. Jon

    Does argument entrench or shift perspective?

    Interesting thought. I was watching an argument between a Left and Right wing person today on YouTube. The more they argued, the more entrenched their positions became. If that is the general rule, then argumentation is futile. So you can then try agreeing. But that doesn't get you anywhere...
  19. Jon

    Bee scared of the Doc

    I remember reading a top marketer claim that he could guarantee someone to read something. He said, just put, "This page is all about [insert name here]." So, without further ado... Yesterday, I tried to get an appointment at the Doc's. I phoned 7 times, getting through on the 8th try. The...
  20. Jon

    Can you compromise on a binary decision?

    Some decisions have people on polar extremes, such as should prisoners get the vote, abortion, Brexit and so on. These seem rather binary to me. Can you compromise on a binary decision or will there always be winners and losers?