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  1. Jon

    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

    I took the Myers-Briggs test today, or rather one of the free spin offs available online. This is the second time I have taken the test, but the last time was over 5 years ago, I can't find my results and I have evolved since then anyway. So, my results were: INTJ Here are the specfiics...
  2. Jon

    Are politicians above the law?

    I won't go on about Hillary again. Oh wait, I just did! Let me pivot to Diane Abbott. She is the shadow Home Secretary in the UK, and was caught recently drinking a mojito on the London Underground, which is breaking the law. She has now "Sincerely apologised" for her misdemeanor. She didn't...
  3. Jon

    Incentives for a low carbon footprint

    It is all very well the political elite telling us to cut our footprint while travelling around in jets to spread the message, just like Al Gore does. But if we curtail our freedoms to make our environmental impact less, while others do not, then this could encourage tit-for-tat approaches. "I...
  4. Jon

    Should voting be weighted by testing knowledge beforehand?

    Person A knows nothing about what is going on in their country. Person B has plenty of understanding. Should each have an equal influence regarding the weight of their vote, or should the more knowledgeable have a greater say?
  5. Jon

    Are computers alive?

    If something thinks, does that make it (them?) alive? I mean my pocket calculator may be limited in its thinking, but it works out that 2 + 2 = 4, using electricity just like my synapses. And on a bad day, I might make that 3! For that matter, does that also mean that an abacus is also alive...
  6. Jon

    The wisdom of crowds - true or false?

    There is a book called "The Wisdom of Crowds." I was tempted to get it, but my learning list reaches for the sky so I have no chance of getting to it. Are crowds wise or full of folly? I mean you could get some AI that is an outlier with superior perception that can out-think anybody. But the...
  7. Jon

    My life is full of mistakes

    I have made countless, endless mistakes in my life. They compound up and reduce the quality of my existence. An example would be having a poor diet for as long as I can remember. Bad work decisions, not changing direction fast enough, not realising things have moved on and risk has changed since...
  8. Jon

    The Monty Hall problem - my head hurts!

    OMG, I can't get my head around this one! Source: Wikipedia What would you do and why? Don't look up the solution first if you haven't yet seen this before.
  9. Jon

    George Orwell's 1984 - are we there already?

    Social pressure from activists on the left now attempt to coerce us to say a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. My understanding is that in America, you can legally change your gender. Is this a case of 1984 having crept up upon us? Almost like a cloak of ideology drifting in like a...
  10. Jon

    Jussie Smollett - does this define justice in America?

    No doubt you have heard of this case in America, where Mr Smollett allegedly staged his own hate crime. There were 16 different charges with sufficient evidence according to a grand jury, but the prosecutor decided not to prosecute and then sealed the paperwork so no one could find out any of...
  11. Jon

    The Mueller Report

    I am interested to see the outcome of the Mueller Report. My prediction is that the president will not have criminal conviction, but that Mueller will slur the president in some way, to give the appearance of potential guilt. There, I said it!
  12. Jon

    Diaminds - a new multidimensional perspective on reality

    I have started to read a book by some smart dudes called Mihnea C. Moldoveanu and Roger Martin. The full book title is... Diaminds: Decoding the Mental Habits of Successful Thinkers It is a relatively obscure...
  13. Jon


    I have started decorating my office this week. What I did not anticipate is how physically exhausting it all is! Holding the paint roller is giving my forearms a real workout! But all the standing, awkward angles etc. It is made more tricky because I have a sloping wall and little room in which...
  14. Jon

    This is the 3,000th post!

    I had to get that in when I saw it hovering at 2,999. :D We have quite a bit of content here now!
  15. Jon

    My love of chess

    From a young age, I have had a love of chess. It is the most magnificent and enduring of games, rich in both depth and reward. Last year, I went into a tournament and had a horrendous experience. I lost all 5 games, spread over 2 days! This was my worst result ever. However, out of the ashes...
  16. Jon

    Were the ancient philosophers the best?

    Plato, Socrates, Aristotle...they have all stood the test of time. Both their names and reputations have lasted for thousands of years, referred to regularly in current discourse. I am in awe of their insights. Or were they merely reaping the low hanging fruit, where man had not yet trod? The...
  17. Jon

    Jussie Smollett and fake hate crimes

    There has been a prominent case of a hate crime in the media lately. A rich, popular black actor said he was a victim of an attempted lynching, with a rope put around his neck. He said the two perpetrators were both wearing "MAGA hats". It now appears that it was staged. For those who don't...
  18. Jon

    Sexist hypocrisy by the UK Prime Minister?

    I just read this headline: "PM calls social media trolls who abuse female MPs as the modern equivalent of the sad man sitting at the 'end of the bar muttering into his beer'". It is slightly misleading. Her actual quote was: "It’s the chap who used to sit on the corner end of the bar every night...
  19. Jon

    Are anti-discriminatory laws discriminatory?

    I just read an article a minute ago where a young lad wanted to emulate his father by becoming a police officer. But, he was turned down because he wasn’t disabled, gay or black. Is it now a...
  20. Jon

    Is Labour (UK) the new Nazi party?

    Today, 7 MP's split from the Labour party to form their own party, The Independence Group. Some of the reasons for this split include rampant racist anti-semitism within their own ranks. Some statistics have come out recently where 700 reports of anti-semitic behaviour have occured within the...