What is your typical breakfast?


Staff member
I rarely have breakfast. What I tend to do is go to my local cafe and get a cappuccino and biscuit, or perhaps a pain au raisin (or croissant with jam and butter occasionally).

What do you typically have? It seems to vary a lot depending on where you are in the world.


Founding Member
I make it a point to vary my breakfasts. It could include a flavored oatmeal or pancakes and sausage, but sometimes I will have a breakfast burrito. I have moved away from dry cereal/milk and have also dropped French toast because the commercially pre-packaged versions of those are loaded with sugar and I have to watch that.


Founding Member
Like The_Doc_Man, I vary my breakfast. It can be as simple as my morning pill selection and a cup of coffee to days like today where I left a sourdough rising in the oven overnight and cooked some bacon to go with it. I like granola style cereals that aren't loaded with sugar, Kashi or home made basically. I'll do varieties of oatmeal with fruits, nuts, honey, maple syrup, plain etc.

When we go out for breakfast, I'm boring and consistent; two eggs over medium, bacon -crisp, home fries (sliced not the shredded kind) and rye toast with strawberry jelly.


Founding Member
I will add that I have one exception to that breakfast regimen. My dear Linda is an absolute sucker for pumpkin-spice concoctions. This time of year, the International House of Pancakes will run a special on pumpkin-spiced pancakes with eggs, hash browns, and either bacon or sausage. So once per fall season, I take her to IHOP for her favorite "treat" breakfast. We can afford to pay for the food more often, but the calories that go with it? No way. So it remains one of those special treats for which indulgence must be limited. Once or at most twice per season, that's it.


Staff member
In the past, I did a short stint of having a different breakfast from a different part of the world. Croissant one day, English fried breakfast another, German meats on day 3, Bacon with maple syrup and pancakes on day 4, and so on. I thought it would add some interesting variety to my life. It was only done for a short period because I don't really eat breakfast! Just not hungry soon after I get up.