I say I found "Eckhart Tolle" like people say I found God!
I've learnt most of this from Tolle, I may paraphrase, and I may even get it wrong, but this is the general gist as I understand it..
Take your mind back in time to before man could speak. Now imagine a dog. A dog lives quite happily without a single thought. Well, except maybe "a biscuit? a biscuit? I'd love a biscuit!"
Humans at one time could not speak. However they did develop language and thought, obviously! Some anthropologists believe early humans heard their own thoughts and believed it was an external entity "a God".
As our minds got more proficient at thinking and we got better at talking then our animal mind got pushed more and more to one side and speaking mind got stronger and stronger. These thoughts and speech and later writing allowed ideas to develop, ideas about Society, about gods, about religion, about who is better! And then Wars and fighting and politics and then the first and second world wars where millions upon millions of people lost their lives.
All of this because we learn to think! Now we are starting to pick up ideas from the East, ideas on meditation, on thinking differently about the world, or actually not thinking! That brings us back to the dog, look at the dog and try and imagine, it's not "thinking". Think now about your meditation practice, notice how you are if you manage to allow the thoughts to drift in and out but not follow them. That's the dog mind in you. Look how happy the dog is! No stress just a bundle of fun and love. Now look back to your meditation mind can you see it it's there, the love, and I don't mean lovey-dovey love, I mean acceptance, peace.
Your thinking mind loves to be in control. It is devious and will insidiously bring itself back in charge anyway it can. It likes conflict and to be "better than" somebody or something because that is a powerful position. But also it has an opposite, if it cannot fight and win, then it will play the opposite roll, the oppressed the hurt. You've seen those sort of people I'm sure!
But everyone is the same inside, everyone has both minds, the calm natural mind and the analytic talking programmed mind. Once you understand that, and I guess that you suspected that you are no different than most other people. But once you accept we are all the same underneath, then it makes communication that much easier and better. Now, I'm not here to preach Tolle, I'm here to learn about it. I don't know enough about it, some of it, any of it, part of It, or ALL of It, maybe it's just crap. But I don't think so, but I'm interested in finding the holes and gaps in it...
In answer to your question, There is only one God. They are --- Well, it's Me... That's still part of my mind the Stillness - is God.