I think the BBC is biased. I will concede that perhaps it is more neutral than most, since if you look at the polarised news outlets in the US, it strikes a much more moderate tone. Then again, I think people who go into the media type of career tend to be more left leaning and so it would be a natural consequence to have an echo chamber of left leaning ideology.
I am discounting the man because he has proved to be highly divisive in his approach. Just look at how he wants to control information. Just look at how he wants to stifle expression about whomever disagrees with him. That's not the hallmark of a leader, that's more akin to how a dictatorship is run IMO. Just look at how he disrespects his own intelligence agencies who have repeatedly warned him about Russia's interference. He is blatantly showing he does not care. What kind of leader does that?
There is so much I can say to that!!
What I think is divisive is identity politics that pits one group against another. That is the ideology of the left. Bring in the race card. LGBT. And so on. Divide people into groups. Pit one group against the other. As Biden would say, if you vote for Trump you ain't black. Trump is for freedom of speech, unlike the left who want to increase the number of hate speech restrictions that stifle expression about whomever disagrees with them. Who defines what is hate speech when people disagree?
Are these the same intelligence agencies that are under criminal investigation for spying on the Trump campaign? Are they the same agencies where the (ex?) head of the CIA, John Brennan is also being investigate, who has strong animosity against Trump? Or James Comey, head of FBI, who was secretly taking memos after Trump meetings and then leaking them out via a friend to the press? Are they the same agencies that reversed the evidence so that they could use it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Are they the same intelligence agencies where you had the Muller investigation team full of 17 Democrats, no Republicans, many of whom were financial donors to the Hillary campaign? These same people knew after 1 year that there was no collusion, but they continued for another year. Are they the same intelligence agencies that continued to try to get General Flynn, despite emails now emerging that there was no evidence of his guilt, until they set him up for a perjury trap?
You are assuming you know what he is actually thinking, which you cannot actually know.
I think that if you watch, for example, CNN, then you will only see 95% negative stuff about Trump. You cannot get a balanced picture. They will spin what he says, cut off part of the context, and so on. Look at the 24/7 Russia collusion narrative that they ran for 2 years. It was all a hoax. But if you only watched CNN, you would have thought it was a dead cert. Much of what I have talked about above doesn't get any airtime on CNN. I think most people who watch CNN don't even know its a thing.
Regarding being thick skinned, a thin skinned person would not take on the media, the Paris agreement, China, North Korea, Canada tariffs, Mexico tariffs, the wall, Europe and so on. They would try to avoid criticism. That is my view. Trump is the opposite. He is a disrupter, that leads to tons of criticism because it upsets the apple cart.
I agree with you that Trump is not the typical politician. Yet I think that is one of the very reasons he was elected. People were tired of the corruption and not being able to truly believe what the politicians are saying. They say anything but it has no substance. Trump speaks what he thinks. That upsets a lot of people, but a large number of people find it refreshing and a relief. He got elected for a reason.
Regarding North Korea, I think it was a smart move. If you want someone thin skinned, look over there. Obama took a laid back passive approach. The result? He creates more nukes. Trump has gone and met the guy, little rocket man

, and tried to buddy up. One thing I have learned in negotiation books is that no one wants to negotiate if you don't like the person. Create the relationship, then go from there. I sincerely hope it works. Obama on the other hand won the Nobel Peace Prize, while sending record numbers of drone strikes in foreign countries. Hey ho.
I think he is taking the same approach with Putin. Better to be on the good side of a dangerous nation, than their enemy. But Putin is a dangerous man and has his USSR ambitions. Yet he is also human too. Let us not forget that. We have inbuilt desires to do favours, or treat friends better than our foes.
Having said all of the above, I have a feeling that although our political inclinations and conclusions differ, we arrive at our own viewpoints and present our opinions in a very similar way. We try to be rational, provide the evidence, and so on. I'm all for it.
Edit: I (dis)liked your graphs. They challenged my view of the economic miracle. Yet I feel there is something missing. But I am short on time to find out. I will look into it when I get a chance.