Search results

  1. Jon

    Computer gaming

    I have played Rise of Patriots to death. It is a RTS (real time strategy) game. Build armies and tech. The game itself is over 15 years old and for the PC, but the gameplay is timeless. However, since I have played it for hundreds of hours, it has lost its edge on me now so only revisit...
  2. Jon

    Our own worst enemies?

    Just came across a good term today: "Minimum viable action." When feeling resistance to doing something, just take the minimum viable action. Helps you get going.
  3. Jon

    The Movies thread

    I watched "12 Strong" last night. True story about a team of 12 men going into Afghanistan, making deals with warlords and so on. Absolute chaos out there, risking life and limb. The feminists must be insulted that no female lives were put at risk. I blame the patriarchy.
  4. Jon

    Reading books - how many?

    I just came across a great image for you guys. It is about "number of books read and perspective!
  5. Jon

    What are you doing today?

    Ok, so I am here at Esquires. Having a handheld pizza and coke. Will follow up with cappuccino and cake!
  6. Jon

    Age of consent and religion

    You are right Bee. Clearly, I am not altogether 100% yet! Re-edited.
  7. Jon

    Age of consent and religion

    Doc, I had a big typo there. Meant to say: "What happens if the person is biologically 15 but mentally a 20 year old."
  8. Jon

    What are you doing today?

    Getting rid of stuff can be an endless thing. I gotta clear out my parents house which is bursting at the seams! Today, I will be trying out a new coffee shop in Tunbridge Wells called "Esquires". A guy I chat to in my local Costa told me about it. It opened about a month ago. The serving...
  9. Jon

    The Movies thread

    Let us know the latest movie you have seen, what you thought and if you recommend it.
  10. Jon

    Decisions, decisions

    You get the offer, and then write them a "Dear John" letter.
  11. Jon

    Decisions, decisions

    Why do you believe £10-£12K is more likely?
  12. Jon

    Where did you go on your last holiday?

    I suppose it elevates you to a kind of different perspective. You are seeing things from "up-there", rather than "down-here." Nothing around your immediate environment except space.
  13. Jon

    Decisions, decisions

    I suppose it also depends on what the offer is. Presumably, you have an idea of the salary range but you don't know where in that range the offer will be?
  14. Jon

    Where did you go on your last holiday?

    Good to see you back here Lez. Pleased you enjoyed your hols! I've often wondered what it was like doing a zip lining thingy. Did you feel safe doing it once you got going? I know when I did abseiling off a rock edge, going over is terrifying the first time. Goes against every bone in your body...
  15. Jon

    Where did you go on your last holiday?

    Mine was in Vegas 3 years ago. It was actually a working conference, where I studied the "Amazon FBA ecommerce model." In layman's terms, flogging stuff on Amazon, private labelling your own brand. It was the hottest place I've ever been to, with temperatures of 44C (110F). They had a heatwave...
  16. Jon

    Reading books - how many?

    Considering the Ebbinghaus "forgetting curve", when you revisit, you also further cement the information into your memory.
  17. Jon

    Decisions, decisions

    Bee, what are your current thoughts about the job you were headhunted for? Have you evolved your thinking in anyway since this conversation was first crowdsourced?
  18. Jon

    Paranormal? What do you believe?

    I found this today which is a table showing what percentage of people believe in various aspects of the paranormal. Thought some of you might find it interesting, as it gives a yardstick on public perception. Source:
  19. Jon

    The Administrator is ill!

    First day to leave the house in six. Felt a bit wobbly on my feet, but good to get amongst people again. Was exhausted after doing some mild shopping, but then plonked myself down in my local coffee shop, armed with laptop, phone, cappuccino and millionaire shortbread. I'm on the up! And hence I...
  20. Jon


    Getting traction is a very difficult thing. The core members we have here seem to really enjoy the interaction. But getting strangers to pull up a stool at The Mind Tavern is not easy.