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  1. Bee

    Is Political Correctness toxic?

    I had to read that several times. Common courtesy prevails. Why would you not want to be courteous? It's simply good manners!
  2. Bee

    Is Political Correctness toxic?

    Do you still believe in Father Christmas, Jon?
  3. Bee

    Is Political Correctness toxic?

    Doc, I am in total agreement with you - and wish I had also included a sentence or two on the subject. The ill-informed (easily/mistakenly offended) use PC to shut down debate. Partly through ignorance (their own), partly through fear (their own), and partly because they are not thinking about...
  4. Bee

    Is Political Correctness toxic?

    It's lazy to make assumptions about people. It shows a lack of imagination and curiosity. If you have the data to back up your assessment, that's a fact-based opinion. If you have made an assessment based on gossip/something you've heard/something you believe - without even looking into the...
  5. Bee

    Is Political Correctness toxic?

    No worries - I thought you meant the long one - and I was about to be Very Grumpy Indeed. The post you deleted said: And Hitler joins the conversation.... There are members of my family who I wouldn't want to be courteous to, never mind Hitler. My post is more general - there will always be...
  6. Bee

    Is Political Correctness toxic?

    I've thought about this for a couple of days now and I'm about ready to express my thoughts. Firstly, what do we mean by the term. 'Political Correctness'? The Wikipedia definition is a good place to start: The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated...
  7. Bee

    Is this a good question?

    I'd argue the opposite - it's an exploding question. Well, for me, anyway.
  8. Bee

    Is this a good question?

    I think the question hinges on the word 'good'. It's a very ambiguous, ambivalent word and can be read in a number of ways. What makes a question better or worse than any other? Is it context? Is it audience? What is the intent behind the question? What does the questioner seek? With just a...
  9. Bee

    Healthy body = healthy mind - what say thee?

    I think we need a whole section on this. There are so many potential threads - some of which have already been picked up (meditation, vitamins for example). But there's more to it - discipline, exercise, food as fuel/brain food - and that's just off the top of my head.
  10. Bee

    Is marriage an outdated concept?

    Where's mine for setting up a Like for you?
  11. Bee

    Is marriage an outdated concept?

    Here's what I've always thought: People change over time. Sometimes that change is positive, sometimes not - but that's largely irrelevant. The couples who appear to be successful in terms of longevity, are those whose speed of change is closely aligned to their partner's, and who can...
  12. Bee

    What is your daily vitamin stack?

    Thanks, Doc. I had always assumed that I could get the nutrients I need from my diet. My diet has massively improved (Jon, we could do with a dietary thread - mind fodder) and I eat pretty healthily, with the odd blip. I also take Metformin (for diabetes) and Levothyroxine (after a total...
  13. Bee

    Tooth wiggling

    I have no urges to suck on any cuts. Ewww.
  14. Bee

    Jon from the South East UK - administrator of these forums

    Hello, my name is Bee and I'm an addict...
  15. Bee

    What was your last dream?

    This is from the BBC website and I thought it was interesting: Why Do I Dream? The purpose of dreaming is still a scientific mystery. Some psychologists think you deal with threats and practise survival techniques inside your dreams, like running away from dangerous situations or people...
  16. Bee

    I think, therefore I am - true or false?

    Not really - I still thought it was ambiguous!
  17. Bee

    Jon from the South East UK - administrator of these forums

    Jon, your shameless plea for validation through likes on posts is grasping and transparent. Pull yourself together! And I want more likes than you!!
  18. Bee

    I think, therefore I am - true or false?

    Aha. You've solved a mystery. I've been reading your name as AL, whereas Jon said it was Ai. I hate it when he's right.