I distrust clouds, having been part of one of the U.S. Navy's "cloud" data centers. There is also the impersonal nature of the cloud staff. That is good but bad at the same time. And besides, post-disaster, that cloud might not be accessible. People talk about the cloud as though it is some nebulous entity immune to harm. But no, doesn't work like that. Some years ago, perhaps six to eight years before I retired, I remember when floods took out the Navy's BUPERS (Bureau of Personnel) cloud outside of Memphis. They had a foot of water in the server room. No cloud. And two years after that, a really BIG storm went through Norfolk that took out the NEDC (Navy Enterprise Data Center) in that area - the northeast regional center. They were down for a couple of weeks and it was a nightmare getting that beast back on line. Oh, the servers were covered by their COOP (Continuity Of Operations Program) sites. But their records had to be recovered from remotely mirrored backups and those things are notoriously difficult to keep up to date.