What does it mean to live a good life?


Founding Member
We talk about morality, religion, codes to live by. But what does it actually mean to live a good life?



Staff member
The ancient greeks used to say live with arete (purposeful living striving for excellence). Aristotle used to talk about doing what is in your nature to do. More recent perspectives include trying to improve your health, wealth, love and happiness. For others it is the Ten Commandments.
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Founding Member
The concept of purposeful living, striving for excellence is appealing. But how does that translate into action and principles?


Staff member
I recommend The Grid. See my post about it. This represents a consistent way to compound up little improvements, day by day. Excellence is only achieved by the persistent application of effort towards a specific goal. Or, as the cliche goes, excellence is 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration.


Founding Member
I interpret "purposeful living striving for excellence" to mean - give yourself a cause, a purpose, a goal. Then do it well.

I have NO DOUBT that many people who are volunteers in some charitable organization are living this kind of life.


Founding Member
Okay, but you can complete all the tasks on your Grid every day, or fundraise for your chosen charity, but still kick the cat on the way past. It doesn't seem like it's enough to simply strive for excellence.