What does autumn mean to you?


Staff member
We have 4 seasons. Each brings a different flavour to life and consequently a change of sorts.

How is your life changed by the coming autumn and what does it mean to you?


Founding Member
Nothing yet. Our autumn won't get here until October. However, when it arrives, it will be cooler and will get darker earlier. It will be time for me to switch to my morning-walk habit. And I will enjoy that change. I suppose I should try to wax philosophically on changing of seasons, but I've seen literally a couple of hundred seasonal changes. To me, they come and go. However, this coming November will represent one milestone of sorts. My dear Linda and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Still alive, still kicking, still with each other - and still laughing.


Staff member
The nights are drawing in, and it is definitely getting colder. In the UK, it is chilly, wet and miserable. Normal for us!

The clocks went back too, so it gets darker earlier. Something I have never been a fan of, but it is something to do with the farmers, I think.


Founding Member
At least in theory, it was started so that kids getting off from school in rural (agrarian) settings would have a couple of hours to help with the family chores in the fields.


Staff member
We have a relatively cushy life nowadays, compared with the past. The perception is we are in hard times, while the reality is we are in abundance. Just look at lifestyles and how hard they were in 1800.