Anthropogenic Global Warming
There is no doubt in my mind that the world is warming up! I have my own first-hand experience of it, experiencing the winter of 1963 (UK), and 1980 and others. Now I also have no doubt that we will again have a severe winter, but the Frequency has much reduced, to my mind anyway. There was the butter debacle butter was bad for you. And then sugar, and many more. The one which sticks out in my mind which is similar to the to the global warming one is the ban on fox hunting.
There is no doubt in my mind that fox hunting is cruel, but what stuck out in my mind at the time was it was the left wing people taking down the right wing people. But it just didn't seem right or sensible that people would actually take that sort of action because they opposed another group. But then understanding where Dr Jordan B Peterson comes from, where he experienced similar in his university days, and he mentions George Orwell's book The Road to Wigan Pier, where George Orwell observed exactly the same.
The left wing are not interested in helping the poor, or the unfortunate, in, if you like in the case of fox hunting, they are just adversarial and want to take down the right. And that's what I see in this attempt to lay global warming at the feet of the capitalists and fossil fuels. That's my take on it really, there's a distinct left-wing element to it, and it needs countering. Now getting back to the gist of this thread, these left wing activists, and again this sort of comes from Jordan B Peterson, there is definitely a religious element to the way they think.
Carl Jung said something similar to God is Dead, basically he meant that we were losing our religion. But he also realised that the religion would be replaced by something, and he warned that it would be placed replaced by groups, ideologies, and that these groups would be susceptible to manipulation by governments. He predicted the rise of the oppressive states (Russia). And also realised that ideologies would kill many people. Now here in the west, we rarely talk about this criminal past of Russia, we focus on Hitler, but the Russian government killed 10 times more people than Hitler ever did.
Nothing is ever mentioned of the Russian mass (millions) murders, and JDP Jordan B Peterson thinks that this is because the leftist elements kept it out of our mainstream schooling deliberately because it didn't fit with their ideals.
Now, you may have noticed that I haven't posted for a while, and I think one controversial post I started, I have ignored. I was worried, I didn't like exposing my thoughts, I felt that I would leave expose myself to attack, discredit whatever. I just felt uncomfortable about saying what I thought. However I got this again from Jordan B Peterson, the only way I am going to learn, the only way I'm going to improve myself is by exposing my thoughts to the comments and criticisms of others, hence this post..