I just looked it up and found this video and wow is the concept valuable
Then I happened upon this video:-
of Jordan B Peterson talking to Stephen Blackwood where he explains the reasoning behind the tidying of the room. It was a fantastic eyeopener!
I realised that it sort of was the same concept as the video I quoted from your post and thought it worth mentioning...
One of the things I talk about in 12 rules for life and in my lectures this has become meme strangely enough something that's why they distributed on the web partly because there's a comical element to it it's to clean up your room And everyone laughs about that everyone's mother has told them that a 1000 times
Jordan tries to explain why you have a bit of chaotic potential right in front of you is in some sense infinite in its potential and the domain in which you can manipulate that might be rather restricted because of the restrictions that are part and parcel of your existence but maybe you have your room and you might think, you might have contempt for that so it's a complete bloody catastrophe but you don't have to you can think, well I've got a little it isn't a room it's a place of potential and as soon as you know that it's not your room anymore it isn't a room the room that you see is your preconception of the space that you in inhabit what's there is a fragment of Infinity that's what's there. And what you see is the low resolution consequence of your assumption and lazy habit and blindness. That's your initial room and you think well no that's not the room. Part of what artist do for example, when Van Gogh paint a room and you look at it glowing, he's trying to show you what's beyond your perception of the room and I mean this technically like the way that your visual system is setup, is that whenever memory and presumption can, can replace direct perception IT WILL because it's simpler so you literally see what you expect to see and if what you see is dull and drab and boring and pointless and uninspiring then that you! It's not what's there and what the artist does when he or she re-represents that mundane reality is to remind you of what's behind it, the potential that’s there and so what I'm suggesting to people is that they take the potential that's right in front of them, and here's the rule, you're aiming up. There's something that you could change, that you would change, that might be a very small thing “could” well that's within the grasp of your power “would” is within the grasp of your will. To combine those two things might be a very small shift you might only be willing to make a very tiny step forward. It's like “fine” good enough! Make a tiny step forward and that makes you a slight bit stronger than you were before….