I think - in support of Bee - that you can be completely open about your feelings and be even more disrespectful. Consider the goose-stepping Nazi strutting up and down in front of a gaggle of Jews. Is this open contempt not a display of disrespect?
The real answer, I believe, is more nuanced. In essence, it depends on the circumstances. Moreover, it depends on the audience. If there were a group of Nazi's nearby, they might consider it disrespectful to not goose-step. Ultimately, you can't please everybody and it is difficult to predict who will feel disrespected all the time. I'm always saying things that are not PC, and accidentally making comments that are not intended to disrespect those in my vicinity. To me, I think it is the intent behind what you say, not the words themselves.
Or you could always take the Antifa view: "Words are violence." And then that gives you the right to be physically violent back, because you have justified it to yourself.