Is Capitalism evil?


Staff member
Many people seem to think Capitalism is a problem, with a pathological hatred for Capitalists.They are tantamount to mini-Hitlers and should be expunged from this world, or so some say. I bought a game called, "Capitalism". It is a business game where you build products, supply chains, expand your empire and outcompete the computer opponents. Perhaps this game should be banned, given the animosity towards Capitalists. Maybe I should be arrested by the Thought Police for engaging in this virtual fantasy world.

Am I part of the problem? Does my purchase of this game give tacit support to an evil philosophy? Or should we instead lock up the anti-capitalists, who seem to want to disrupt cities throughout the world, causing violence, mayhem and anarchy?

Uncle Gizmo

Founding Member
Jordan b Peterson has educated me on this! Now, it's a bit premature of me to speak with some authority, so take it that I'm not!

Both capitalism and liberalism are needed to organise a society properly.

both are capable of doing both good and bad. And that's the point, that's why you have the two of them in opposition. They balance each other out.

It's no accident that most good governments are designed in what at first sight appears to be a stupid conflicting situation of one party against another party. Liberal against capitalist.

If you look at history, back to the Romans and before, many cultures experimented with different forms of government and this form of government rose to the top.

If you look at mythology, you find in those stories, the fundamental truth of the necessity of capitalism and liberalism.

The mythology, the stories themselves represent the written version of stories which existed for tens of thousands of years before, as spoken stories.

In essence these stories were not written in the sense of "designed by man" they evolved just like our own darwinian evolution.

Uncle Gizmo

Founding Member
Now this just occurred to me, Jordan's explanation of the need for capitalists and the need for liberalism, and of the differences between men and women in that men are more likely to be engineers industry orientated and women are more likely to be caring and nurturing orientated. I see a similarity between the two opposing structures, capitalism and liberalism in this underlying difference between men and women. Would it be fair to categorise men as being conservative, the American term Republican and women as being Democrat and the English term liberal or labour.... Note I'm not talking about "a man" or "a woman" I'm talking about the group, the tribe, or more likely an attribute of.

So now if you look at capitalism with this in mind you find that many men are heads Of Companies.

Now this is the bit I'm not sure of, would it be fair to say that liberalism is more of a female undertaking? And I just realised what triggered my thoughts in this Direction, today Trump Jr was having a go at Ellen DeGeneres suggesting that she was head of some sort of undercover government Agency. So for Trump Jr to take that stand would he assume that Ellen DeGeneres is a democratic supporter.

My quick Google found this:-

Now I am unsure about the next part because I'm new to Jordan B Peterson.
I think he said that the capitalist hierarchy was controlled by men who are very good managers, narrow-minded, good at building and running systems. The liberals on the other hand were more open in their thinking more inclusive of people and more creative. The next big thing, the next thing that the capitalist mentality take over and run and are successful at will come from one of the Liberal sorts. Again hence for the need for both. Like I said I feel I've got some of this wrong so please feel free to correct for me.