Finally trying to build a homepage!


Staff member
I know the feminists would complain if they were both women, since they like equality. I could put an androgynous alien on there.


Staff member
Good point! I originally wanted something like Socrates on there, but then I thought of the Patriarchy and that could be offensive to some.


Staff member
The problem with having a group of people in the image, is that how do you distinguish between a discussion forum and a discussion forum for thinkers?


Staff member
I am not keen on any of those I am afraid. And the one where everyone is on their phone....urrggh!!!


Founding Member
You've done a good job of the site so far. Trust your instinct. I don't have a problem with an image of a man thinking, per se, my question was more around why both images were of men.


Staff member
I did look at an image of a woman, but I think she was thinking about her next retail therapy session. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Actually, I had narrowed down to 3 images, where one was a woman. I should have enacted some form of positive discrimination and put forward a another woman to even it up. But then what about the other 87 genders?

Perhaps a picture of a Tavern on the inside is a better idea. But then people might think I am selling booze or something. It's not easy choosing.

I had thought about having an image of a bar top right in the header section of both the forum and homepage. It would fade out as it went further left, blending into the blue.
Just so that we are clear, I'm not participating in this thread because my wife says I have the visual design capabilities rivaled only by three-year-old kids with open jars of finger paint.