I have just started reading Dr Jordan Peterson's book - "Maps of Meaning" I haven't bought it yet, I've got it on Android, Google Play books, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief
You get the first few chapters free to whet your appetites so to speak! - It is fascinating! - However I recommend that you watch some of his YouTube videos on maps of meaning, he goes over it a bit in person, Will give you a bit of a leg up. It's not a difficult read, well not yet!
I've found that often I think I know something, but then when I try to explain it, I suddenly realise I can't! It goes to show that I didn't really know it after all, even though I felt I did.
I thought that this psychological explanation of the Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman interview was right on point. I also felt that the two of them got on well together. What was very interesting was the observations that the director used a camera in an aggressive manner! Is there nothing these people won't do?