Where did you go on your last holiday?


Staff member
Mine was in Vegas 3 years ago. It was actually a working conference, where I studied the "Amazon FBA ecommerce model." In layman's terms, flogging stuff on Amazon, private labelling your own brand. It was the hottest place I've ever been to, with temperatures of 44C (110F). They had a heatwave there in July.


New member
Just back from Vancouver it was amazing! I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone by zip linning off a mountain it was the scariest most intense thing I ever did. When I stood on the top I really didn't think I could do it but so glad I took the plunge 😁😁


Staff member
Good to see you back here Lez. Pleased you enjoyed your hols! I've often wondered what it was like doing a zip lining thingy. Did you feel safe doing it once you got going? I know when I did abseiling off a rock edge, going over is terrifying the first time. Goes against every bone in your body. But once you are zipping down the rope, it is fun.


Staff member
I suppose it elevates you to a kind of different perspective. You are seeing things from "up-there", rather than "down-here." Nothing around your immediate environment except space.


Founding Member
Zip-lining sounds awesome! As does Vancouver. I went to Canada about 35 years ago and loved it. Always vowed to return but never have yet.

I think I'd prefer zip-lining to abeiling. A friend has just done a freefall abseil from the ArcelorMittal Orbit, which at 362ft is the highest freefall abseil in the UK in aid of Hearing Dogs for the Deaf.

As for holidays, I had a couple of days break in September to go to Norfolk, chasing hares. Not real ones, sculptures (pics below). Prior to that, my last holiday was to Johannesburg in South Africa this time 11 years ago.



Founding Member
For various reasons, my wife and I have not gone on a formal holiday in quite a while. We go once a year to my family reunion in central Alabama, but our last three "trips" were hurricane evacuations. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 forced us to Fort Worth, TX (to follow my job to a secondary office) and two other hurricanes forced us away from the city, also to Alabama. When my youngest grandson gets old enough to stay at home by himself after school, there is a chance we might go somewhere, but at the moment I'm dashed if I know where.