Thank you for posting that video Jon, and pointing it out to me, I hadn't seen it. I was so drawn into the video, the nuances, the arguments, the excellent quality of both characters. I watched parts of it twice, normally I watch YouTube videos at double speed, this one I watched most at single speed, and some parts at three quarters speed so that I could really understand what was being said.
What amused, and impressed me at the same time, was that here he was under attack about his views on equality of the sexes, but the fact that the woman was attacking him, the strength of her personality, her confidence, her intelligence, her power, just proved his point!
I don't mean his point that the genders are different, but his point that a woman needs to be more like a man to achieve the same goals as men. She is exactly the type of woman he is describing who would be successful in a man's world. Thereby, by trying to undermine him, trying to destroy his argument, trying to wrong foot him, he more she did it, the more effective she was at it, the cleverer she was at it, the more she proved him right!
I didn't see anyone win or lose, I saw equals sparring, effectively, cleverly, interestingly.